A Successful FAWM 2014!

I’ve been sitting a couple of days (a couple of months!) now with the songs I created for this year’s FAWM (February Album Writers Month).  I’m really excited about this batch.  They’re a bit raw right now and there’s lots to work out on the details of phrasing here & there… some lyrical edits and maybe some slight alterations to some of the structure… but, these are songs with some meat & heart to them.

In previous years tackling the FAWM challenge, I did great the first year, but the past few years have been miserable.  I think I only created half a song last year.  Turns out this year was different and after some procrastinating, I got the 14 songs in the last 2 weeks of the month.  Here’s how I did it…

Continue reading “A Successful FAWM 2014!”

FAWM 2012 a success!

Well… I got to the end of the month here and had only one complete song for the month: “Down in the Desert”, which I wrote on February 1st, start to finish in about 2 hours (including lyrics, song structure, harmony and lead guitar even). Then… I got nothing for about 10 days and when I finally stopped beating myself up over it I started back in on my mostly nightly work of improving for about a half an hour until a song emerges and then record it.

So, I started doing that on the 10th every other night or so until I realized just today that I had 13 other songs that are structurally complete (though they will probably go through edits before being finalized), just with no lyrics. Which, now I’m realizing is still part of the “game” of FAWM. I was looking to create songs in a specific way, but I think it’s ok for now that I just have sketches. That’s the way these songs have started to emerge. And, now I have a record of the work this month that I can now return to and refine.

But, here’s the scary part. These “sketches” of songs I have are filled with a particular way I write songs… which is to say I have these mumbly half-words and a faux glossalalia that serves as placeholders so I can create a melody before any concrete words and phrases start to appear. They’re not great, they’re not perfect, and I go out of tune quite a lot. But, they are what they are: songs in the process of emerging. I’m doing something different (and scary) here and giving y’all a link to these proto-songs. I hope that there are other songwriters and creative artists that recognize this process and use it or a form of it, too. I’d love to hear how you efficiently move from this stage to the next!

My full FAWM profile for tracyshaun is up for you to listen to… please let me know which one or more you think should start to have some lyrics generated. I’d love to know!

Hey, it’s February!

Yes! And now it’s time for #FAWM (February Album Writing Month)… check it out at http://fawm.org and join in if you want. My profile is over at http://fawm.org/fawmers/tracyshaun/ and I’ll be attempting the 14 songs in 28 days… but this year it’s 14.5 songs in 29 days 🙂

The first is one is up and you can go listen to it and read the lyrics… this one’s kinda special because I have finally broken through and written the first complete song from scratch in almost 9 months. Yes, 9 months! It feels like such a weight has lifted… feeling so good.